A Historical journey of Thome Five Resident
Welfare Association

The first ever meeting was held on the 8th day of February, 1998. This was specifically for the Thome V Central. The meeting was held at Homeland Inn. At that time there was no committee other than neighbors meeting to chart their way forward.

Thome Estate was during this time in two sections. The river which runs across the Estate had separated us giving birth to THOME V CENTRAL and THOME V ISLAND. Each section was managing their own issues without involving the other. Our meetings at Homeland Inn continued and, on the 28th February 1998, a committee was formed with the main agenda being Electrification, Water & Roads.

Looking back, these three items have been properly addressed though there is still room for more to be done. For your information, most of these people who were meeting had not even moved to Thome. Some only had plots which were yet to be developed while others had started building.

Those days there was no building controls. You started to build and the only people you saw were the workers and transporters. There were no thieves, car-jackers or city Council inspectorate. You applied for water and connected yourself from the nearest point at Thika Road.

We also dealt with Kiosks which had developed in the area near Gate B, where Masai herders were selling milk and food at the same place. They were served with a notice to vacate by 30th June 1998.

During this time the Public Plot was not an issue because nobody would have been interested. It was just an idle land and remained so until much later and has now become an item for very serious discussion in very high offices.

On the 17th April 2000, we wrote to KPLC to connect us to electricity.

When all this was going on, there was another committee initially led by the late Makau. We then joined together due to insecurity issues & Mr Paul Richu became the acting chairman.

Thome V Residents Welfare Association (TRWA) was registered on 28th Febuary 2005. When we joined up, the two committees were merged and Paul Richu was elected the Chairman and Alex Magembe the Vice chair.

Other elected posts were; with Benson Kanyi becoming the Treasurer assisted by David Njuguna.We have continued to work together and a lot of ground has been covered. We now have a well lit Estate, Security being provided by professionals as opposed to the juakali security guys we had started with.

In 2012, we took a bold step in community policing and completed our Police Post, which was commissioned in 2013. We engaged in updating our registration & oversaw the naming of roads and street lighting.

We continued to champion our cause on a sustainable basis as diligent ratepayers, demanding equitable service. We also welcomed new members with new talents and continued working closely with them to increase awareness among our neighbors who had not joined the association.

We focused on ensuring that our governance and management practices were rigorous, all-inclusive, and transparent, and that we managed our association efficiently.

In 2013, we needed to respond immediately and powerfully, especially on the contributions side. Fortunately, our community demonstrated their adaptability and commitment, and displayed a resilient THOME spirit that inspired us daily. Our accomplishments in 2012 had been significant, and we were determined to build on them.